英語題目A Study on Jitter of Serial Printer (Vibration Control of Carriage System by Dynamic Vibration Absorbers)
著者名張維明, 片野圭二, 小山富夫
掲載情報日本機械学会論文集 C編 Vol.70 No.693, pp1244-1250, 2004

A serial printer sometimes generates a vertical striped pattern in the printing image. This is known as jitter and caused by vibration of the print-head carriage system in moving direction. The vibration of carriage due to meshing of synchronous belt is the main reason causing jitter. In this paper, the application of dynamic vibration absorber is proposed to reduce the vibration of the carriage system. The frequency response of the carriage system attached with absorbers is derived. An equivalent vibration system of linear motion is used in the analysis instead of original carriage system. Designs of absorbers are discussed for the purpose of reducing the vibration due to belt meshing. Both calculations and experiments are carried out and their results show that the dynamic vibration absorber is effective.

キーワードInformation Processing Equipment, Dynamic Absorber, Vibration Control, Forced Vibration, Serial Printer, Jitter, Carriage, Synchronous Belt