英語題目A Finite Analysis for Frictional Force in Power Transmission of Flat Belts
著者名城戸隆一, 萩原聰郎,網島貞男,藤井透
掲載情報自動車技術会論文集 Vol.23 No.1, pp82-87, 1992

The frictional force distribution between a flat belt and a pulley is analyzed using a nonlinear finite element program. A step by step method is employed in order to accomplish the steady state in driving from the initial stage at which the belt is wound on to the pulley without tension. A good agreement between the calculated and experimental results of the frictional force distribution was confirmed and the proposed model is proved to be successfully applicable to analyzing problems on transmitting force by friction.

キーワードFEM, Belt, Friction, Analysis, Flat Belt, Frictional Force Distribution